Kolkom 2023
The 40th Colloquium on Combinatorics (Kolloqium über Kombinatorik) takes place in Heidelberg, 13th-14th October 2023.
The conference starts in the morning on Friday 13th October and ends at lunch time (about 1:30 pm) on Saturday 14th October. It aims to provide a forum for researchers working in diverse areas of combinatorics. Participants are welcome to give a 20 minute talk.
Registration starts at 8am on Friday.
Conference starts at 8.50 am on Friday.
Plenary speakers
Personal webpage

Personal webpage

Personal webpage

Personal webpage

You can register via email (kolkom23@uni-heidelberg.de). Please include
- your name and affiliation and
- whether you would like to give a talk.
Registration deadline: 17th September 2023
The registration is only completed if you payed the registration fee (100 EUR). The registration fee includes coffee breaks and snacks, lunch on both days and the dinner on Friday.
Please use a bank transfer to the following account. Please be very carefully that you use the following keyword phrase: 7818668/ <name, (first name) of participant>
Account holder: Universität Heidelberg
Sparkasse Heidelberg
IBAN: DE55 6725 0020 0000 0219 11
Please prepare your abstract using this latex template below.
Upload your abstract (the tex file) no later than September 24 here.
Abstract submission deadline: 24th September 2023

The conference takes place in the Mathematics and Computer Science building of Heidelberg University, called the Mathematikon. It is located in the north of Heidelberg: Im Neuenheimer Feld 205. Please use the bus and tram station "Bunsengymnasium" to reach the Mathematikon.
Heidelberg can be easily reached via train and in addition, Frankfurt airport is very close by. From the airport, there are very regular train connections to Heidelberg with a change at Mannheim main station.
There are many different hotels available in Heidelberg. Please use the usual webpages to find a suitable hotel.
Informal dinner on Thrusday at 6pm in Cafe Merlin (Bergheimer Str. 85).
Conference dinner on Friday at 7pm in Kulturbrauerei (Leyergasse 6).
Kolkom 23 is supported by the Cluster of Excellence STRUCTURES. We are very grateful for that help.