Theoretical Computer Science & Discrete Mathematics
How can we put the theory of algorithms onto a firm theoretical framework? What are properties of particular networks, graphs, hypergraphs, permutations or Latin squares under particular conditions? These are questions that are the core of the research of the Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics group at Heidelberg University.

The Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics group at Heidelberg University was founded in 2020 when Professor Felix Joos joined Heidelberg University. The research group is part of the Institute of Computer Science and also supported by a Emmy Noether grant by the DFG, the cluster of excellence STRUCTURES, the Alexander von Humboldt foundation and the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes.
Since its foundation, the research group has grown significantly to one of the largest research groups in its field in Germany.
Team Members
69120 Heidelberg
Office: 2/212
e-mail: mattos (at) uni-heidelberg (dot) de
Phone +49 6221 54-14324
smith (at)
Phone: +49 6221 54 14325