Theoretical Computer Science & Discrete Mathematics

Research Seminar

Starting in the Summer Semester 2024, we are holding a fortnightly research seminar with invited speakers from a range of topics in Combinatorics. The seminar generally takes place in Seminarraum 1, roughly every other Monday at 1pm - all students and staff are welcome to join us. See below for a list of upcoming and previous talks.


Summer Semester 2024

Title, tap for details
Apr 22, 1:00 pm
Julian Sahasrabudhe (Online)
A new lower bound for sphere packing

University of Cambridge

What is the maximum proportion of dd-dimensional space that can be covered by non-overlapping, identical spheres? In this talk I will discuss a new lower bound for this problem, which is the first asymptotically growing improvement to Rogers' bound from 1947. Our proof is almost entirely combinatorial and reduces to a novel theorem about independent sets in graphs with bounded degrees and codegrees.

This is based on joint work with Marcelo Campos, Matthew Jenssen and Marcus Michelen.

Source: infweb
Apr 29, 1:00 pm
Felix Clemen
Triangles in the Plane

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

A classical problem in combinatorial geometry, posed by Erdős in 1946, asks to determine the maximum number of unit segments in a set of nn points in the plane. Since then a great variety of extremal problems in finite planar point sets have been studied. Here, we look at such questions concerning triangles. Among others we answer the following question asked by Erdős and Purdy almost 50 years ago: Given nn points in the plane, how many triangles can be approximate congruent to equilateral triangles?

For our proofs we use hypergraph Turán theory. This is joint work with Balogh and Dumitrescu.

Source: infweb
May 13, 1:00 pm
Kalina Petrova
The Hamilton space of pseudorandom graphs

ETH Zürich

We show that if nn is odd and pClogn/np ≥ C \log{n}/n, then with high probability Hamilton cycles in G(n,p)G(n, p) span its cycle space. More generally, we show this holds for a class of graphs satisfying certain natural pseudorandom properties. The proof is based on a novel idea of parity-switchers, which can be thought of as analogues of absorbers in the context of cycle spaces. As another application of our method, we show that Hamilton cycles in a near-Dirac graph GG, that is, a graph GG with odd nn vertices and minimum degree n/2+Cn/2 + C for sufficiently large constant CC, span its cycle space. This is joint work with Micha Christoph and Rajko Nenadov.

Source: infweb
May 27, 1:00 pm
Dhruv Mubayi
New results on the Erdős-Rogers function

University of Illinois, Chicago

Given integers 1<s<t1 < s < t, what is the maximum size of a KsK_s-free subgraph that every nn-vertex KtK_t-free graph is guaranteed to contain? This problem was posed by Erdős and Rogers in the 1960s as a way to generalize classical graph Ramsey numbers (which correspond to the case s=2s = 2). We prove almost optimal results in the case t=s+1t=s+1 using recent constructions in Ramsey theory. We also consider the problem where we replace KsK_s and KtK_t by arbitrary graphs HH and GG and discover several interesting new phenomena.

This is joint work with Jacques Verstraete.

Source: infweb
Jun 3, 1:00 pm
David Munhá Correia
Hamiltonicity of expanders

ETH Zürich

An nn-vertex graph GG is a CC-expander if N(X)CX|N(X)| \ge C|X| for every XV(G)X \subseteq V(G) with X<n/2C|X| \lt n/2C and there is an edge between every two disjoint sets of at least n/2Cn/2C vertices. We show that there is some constant C>0C > 0 for which every CC-expander is Hamiltonian. In particular, this implies the well known conjecture of Krivelevich and Sudakov from 2003 on Hamilton cycles in (n,d,λ)(n,d,\lambda)-graphs. This completes a long line of research on the Hamiltonicity of sparse graphs, and has many applications. Joint work with N. Draganić, R. Montgomery, A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov.

Source: infweb
Jun 10, 1:00 pm
Alexandra Wesolek
Subgraph-universal planar graphs for trees

Technische Universität Berlin

Chung and Graham showed in 1983 that there exist nn-vertex graphs with O(nlogn)O(n log n) edges which contain all trees on nn vertices as subgraphs. We extend this result by showing that there exists a planar graph on a polynomial number of vertices in nn that contains every tree on nn vertices as a subgraph. This is joint work with Helena Bergold, Vesna Iršič, Robert Lauff, Joachim Orthaber and Manfred Scheucher.

Source: infweb
Jun 13, 2:15 pm
Pedro Araújo
Ramsey numbers of cycles in random graphs

Czech Technical University in Prague

Let R(Cn)R(C_n) be the Ramsey number of the cycle on nn vertices. We prove that, for some C>0C > 0, with high probability every 22-colouring of the edges of G(N,p)G(N,p) has a monochromatic copy of CnC_n, as long as N>R(Cn)+C/pN> R(C_n) + C/p and p>C/np > C/n. This is sharp up to the value of CC and it improves results of Letzter and of Krivelevich, Kronenberg and Mond.

This is joint work with Matías Pavez-Signe and Nicolas Sanhueza-Matamala.

Source: infweb
Jun 17, 1:00 pm
Bertille Granet
Path and cycle decompositions of graphs and digraphs

Heidelberg University

We give an overview of some key conjectures and results in the area.

Source: infweb
Jun 24, 1:00 pm
Florian Hörsch
On 3-dicritical semi-complete digraphs

CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security

For some positive integer kk, a digraph DD is called kk-\textit{dicolorable} if there exists a partition (V1,,Vk)(V_1,\ldots,V_k) of V(D)V(D) such that D[Vi]D[V_i] is acyclic for i[k]i \in [k]. Further, we say that DD is {\it kk-dicritical} if DD is not (k1)(k-1)-dicolorable, but all of its proper subgraphs are.

The analogous problem in undirected graphs having been studied extensively, it is natural to try to understand what the maximum density of a large kk-dicritical digraph is. Hoshino and Kawarabayashi conjectured that for every positive integer kk, a simple kk-dicritical digraph on nn vertices has at most (1212k1)n2(\frac{1}{2}-\frac{1}{2^k-1})n^2 arcs, with a finite number of exceptions. Aboulker observed that this conjecture implies that there are only finitely many kk-dicritical tournaments for any positive integer kk.

We show that this latter statement is true in the first nontrivial case, that is, when k=3k=3. We also extend this result for semi-complete digraphs. Finally, by a computer-assisted approach, we give the full list of 3-dicritical semi-complete digraphs. There are exactly 8 of them, 2 of which are tournaments.

This is joint work with Frédéric Havet and Lucas Picasarri-Arrieta.

Source: infweb
Jun 27, 2:15 pm
Hyunwoo Lee
Random matchings in linear hypergraphs

Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST (Daejeon, South Korea)

For a given hypergraph HH and a vertex vV(H)v\in V(H), consider a random matching MM chosen uniformly from the set of all matchings in HH. In 19951995, Kahn conjectured that if HH is a dd-regular linear kk-uniform hypergraph, the probability that MM does not cover vv is (1+od(1))d1/k(1 + o_d(1))d^{-1/k} for all vertices vV(H)v\in V(H). This conjecture was proved for k=2k = 2 by Kahn and Kim in 19981998. In this talk, we disprove this conjecture for all k3k \geq 3. For infinitely many values of d,d, we construct dd-regular linear kk-uniform hypergraph HH containing two vertices v1v_1 and v2v_2 such that P(v1M)=1(1+od(1))dk2\mathcal{P}(v_1 \notin M) = 1 - \frac{(1 + o_d(1))}{d^{k-2}} and P(v2M)=(1+od(1))d+1\mathcal{P}(v_2 \notin M) = \frac{(1 + o_d(1))}{d+1}. The gap between P(v1M)\mathcal{P}(v_1 \notin M) and P(v2M)\mathcal{P}(v_2 \notin M) in this HH is best possible. In the course of proving this, we also prove a hypergraph analog of Godsil's result on matching polynomials and paths in graphs, which is of independent interest.

Source: infweb
Jul 8, 1:00 pm
Yannick Mogge
Creating a tree universal graph in Waiter-Client games

Technische Universität Hamburg

In this talk we consider positional games, where the winning sets are tree universal graphs, which contain copies of all spanning trees with a certain maximum degree. In particular, we show that in the unbiased Waiter-Client game on the complete graph KnK_n, Waiter has a strategy to occupy a graph which contains copies of all spanning trees with maximum degree at most cn/log(n)cn/\log(n), for a suitable constant cc and nn being large enough. This also shows that Waiter can play at least as good as suggested by the random graph intuition.

This is a joint work with Grzegorz Adamski, Sylwia Antoniuk, Ma\l gorzata Bednarska-Bzd\c{e}ga, Dennis Clemens, and Fabian Hamann.

Source: infweb
Jul 22, 1:00 pm
Irene Heinrich

Technische Universität Darmstadt


Source: infweb

Previous Talks

Winter Semester 2023/24

Title, tap for details
Oct 24, 2:00 pm
Jan Hladký
Random minimum spanning tree and dense graph limits

Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague

A theorem of Frieze from 1985 asserts that the total weight of the minimum spanning tree of the complete graph KnK_n whose edges get independent weights from the distribution UNIFORM[0,1]UNIFORM[0,1] converges to Apéry's constant in probability, as nn \to \infty. We generalize this result to sequences of graphs GnG_n that converge to a graphon WW. Further, we allow the weights of the edges to be drawn from different distributions (subject to moderate conditions). The limiting total weight κ(W)\kappa(W) of the minimum spanning tree is expressed in terms of a certain branching process defined on WW, which was studied previously by Bollobás, Janson and Riordan in connection with the giant component in inhomogeneous random graphs. Joint work with Gopal Viswanathan. arXiv:2310.11705.

Source: infweb
Dec 12, 1:00 pm
Alberto Espuny Díaz
Local resilience of random geometric graphs

Heidelberg University

In recent years, there has been a push to translate extremal results in graph theory to random graphs, investigating to what extent they hold. Sudakov and Vu initiated the systematic study of so-called local resilience: roughly speaking, this refers to minimum degree conditions such that every subgraph of a graph with such a minimum degree satisfies a desired property. The study of local resilience has been most prominent on random graphs. In this talk I will survey some of the results in the area, and then discuss an open problem about the local resilience of random geometric graphs with respect to Hamiltonicity. I will further discuss some progress towards this problem. This talk is based on joint work with Lyuben Lichev and Alexandra Wesolek.

Source: infweb
Jan 30, 11:00 am
Enrique Fita Sanmartín
Robust spanning trees given vertices in Rd\mathbb{R}^d

Heidelberg University

We introduce a family of robust spanning trees embedded in Euclidean space, named central spanning tree (CST), whose geometrical structure is resilient against perturbations such as noise. The family of trees is defined through a parameterized NP-hard minimization problem over the edge lengths, with specific instances including the minimum spanning tree or the Euclidean Steiner tree. The minimization problem weighs the length of the edges by their tree edge-centralities, which are regulated by a parameter α\alpha. Two variants of the problem are explored: one permitting the inclusion of Steiner points (referred to as branched central spanning tree or BCST), and another that does not. The effect of α\alpha on tree robustness is empirically analyzed, and a heuristic for approximating the optimal solution is proposed. Geometrical properties of the tree and its behavior in limit cases as α±\alpha\to\pm\infty are also studied. This is a joint work with Christoph Schnörr and Fred Hamprecht.

Source: infweb
Feb 29, 11:00 am
Tássio Naia
Separating systems in graphs

Centre de Reserca Matemàtica

Can we identify uniquely each edge of a graph using few paths?

A collection P\mathcal{P} of (non-necessarily induced) paths in a graph G is said to be separating if, for all distinct e,fE(G)e, f ∈ E(G), there exists a path in P\mathcal{P} containing either ee or ff , but not both. We shall discuss recent advances towards this problem (confirming con- jectures posed by Balogh, Csaba, Martin, and Pluhár and by Falgas-Ravry, Kittipassorn, Korándi, Letzter, and Narayanan), as well as some of related open questions. This is joint work with Fábio Botler, Marthe Bonamy, François Dross and Jozef Skokan.

Source: infweb
Last update on Jun 26, 2024 at 13:23 UTC
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