Room 2/229
Im Neuenheimer Feld 205
69120 Heidelberg
Selected publications
- Spanning F-cycles in random graphs. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 32 (2023), 833–850.
With Yury Person.
ArXiv | Journal - Hamiltonicity of graphs perturbed by a random regular graph. Random Structures & Algorithms 62 (2023), 857–886.
With António Girão.
ArXiv | Journal - Hamiltonicity of random subgraphs of the hypercube. Memoirs of the AMS, to appear.
With Padraig Condon, António Girão, Daniela Kühn, and Deryk Osthus.
ArXiv - Edge correlations in random regular hypergraphs and applications to subgraph testing. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 33 (2019), 1837–1863.
With Felix Joos, Daniela Kühn, and Deryk Osthus.
ArXiv | Journal
A full list of publications is available on my personal website.
Last update on Apr 12, 2024 at 19:30 UTC